• We bridge the gap between high-end IPs and a successful SoC design
  • Access to enormous high-end IPs for next generation computing
  • Neural network processing, high speed interconnection, chiplet integration, etc.
  • Customers can leverage the extensive SoC experience of MicroIP
  • Architectures, task mapping, system evaluation, performance tradeoffs, etc.
  • Performance fine-tuning, and design customization to create market differentiation

Why Choose MICROIP?

Microip provides a great combination of EDA tools and services with IC design. We also provide high-quality SoC design service like IP design, optimization, integration and verification. This helps in speeding up the process significantly. It also helps the customer realize the design quicker and faster.




XYZ Doohickey Comany 成立於 1971 年,公司成立以來,我們一直為大眾提供高品質的網站客製化服務。目前公司位於台北市,有超過 2,000 名員工,並持續為開源社群提供資源及場地。

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